Sermons on John
Who is Jesus?
Worship Jesus because He is the focus of God’s purpose on earth.
A God Like This
The Word became flesh.
The Invalid
We can believe in miracles but we are to put our trust in Christ Jesus!
The Problem with Opportunity
The greatest opportunity comes out of the greatest need.
Prayer: Supplication
Our confidence in prayer comes directly from abiding in Christ and Christ abiding in us.
John 20: Expectation Vs. Realities
When you come to Jesus, you will find your expectations too small and your reality nearly unbelievable!
The Christmas Gift: Love Came Down
The cost of God loving us is higher than man can go.
The Stone That Rolled Away
The stone rolled away so we could see what God did…and still does. John 20:1-10
The Christmas Question
Only God can answer the Christmas question. (John 1:14-18)